That's right, it's time to hit the road again! But, this isn't my usual 2 and a half week tour...try more like a month. And, with every appearance being a high energy kids program, don't be surprised if I return home another 10 or 15 pounds lighter!
Which kids program? Well, here's the story.
Back in 2002, when I first started to do my program called "What's All That Jazz About?", or WATJA for short, I never imagined that it would become so popular, that I would find myself traveling the country to give it and that I would end up expanding it into both an adult program and a kids program.
Which kids program? Well, here's the story.
Back in 2002, when I first started to do my program called "What's All That Jazz About?", or WATJA for short, I never imagined that it would become so popular, that I would find myself traveling the country to give it and that I would end up expanding it into both an adult program and a kids program.
Last year, I celebrated the 10th anniversary of the program by expanding it into the west coast of the United States. This year, I find myself actually filling orders...for the kids version!
The kids version of WATJA has exploded in popularity and now I'm getting calls from all over the country to give the program. Even with turning down offers, I still have enough bookings to warrant me taking to the road for three separate tours for 2013, which brings me to the announcement for the kick-off of my "What's All That Jazz About...for Kids, 2013 Tour".
The "WATJA...for Kids, 2013 Tour" marks the first time that I will be touring exclusively with the kids version of the program. Usually there is a mix of requests for both the adult and kids version. The tour opens on February 1, in Maywood, New Jersey and ends on February 23, in St. Louis, Missouri, with multiple stops taking place in Florida, Alabama, and Louisiana along the way.
Because of the high energy nature of the program and the amount of driving that I will have to do for the tour, I will be taking 5 days to travel home instead of the 2 and a half that it would normally take, so that I can get some rest and avoid getting too tired behind the wheel.
I'm excited that my programming has become so popular! Hopefully, some of the educational programs that I'm currently designing may find similar success.