As of December, 2009, because of the wonderful feedback I consistantly get from the incredible fans that I have on my email list, I will be changing the way I send out my email blasts. There will be 2 types of emails that fans will receive from me in the future:
- My monthly "Email Blast" that will stay in a newsletter format that lets fans know what is new with me in general.
- An email called "Shenole Appearing Near You" that will go out to fans who live within a 2 mile radius from the zip code of where I'll be performing or making an appearance (10 mile radius for special events such as big concerts).
However, in order for this new system to work, I need to ask a favor of fans who are either on the email list now, or plan to sign up in the future. It's important for everyone to supply me with their zip code and their first name, along with their email address. You can very easily do that by visiting the following link:
I'm hoping that I'm not causing an inconvenience to my fans. The good news is that, by fans doing this little 10 - 20 second chore, I'll be able to better serve everyone and save my valuable fans from getting performance notifications for any of my appearances that will not be in their immediate area.