They say that boxers have about 100 fights in them before they hit a wall and their bodies basically shut down from being able to take the abuse that comes with the sport, marathoners have but so many miles that they can run, and so on.
How many performances does a full time musician have in them...particularly the ones with no management or outside help?
I have been thinking, lately to myself, that there seems to be so much happening to my body in the past 6 months or so, which all seems to have something to do with the constant pushing that I've been doing over the past nearly 15 years, that perhaps I may be starting to reach the borders of my own limits.
First, there is the CONSTANT tiredness I have been feeling for the past 5 or 6 years. Then, there are the several times I have almost passed out during performances. Also, there is the hearing loss I have experienced, as well as what seems to be a slight loss in short term memory. The latter I blame on sleep deprivation (up until recently, I basically averaged 3 to 5 hours of sleep a night for nearly a decade).
The newest item to add to this list is my development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both my right and my left hands, which has been diagnosed as being a side product of the countless hours spent on my computer researching venues, typing emails, designing my website, updating all of my social media, designing all of my graphics and promotional materials, typing press releases, and the list goes on!
When I look at some of the greats of the past, such as Miles Davis, they have all either taken a short break of some kind, an extended hiatus, or have retired from music all together. As I look at what is happening with the breakdown of my body of late, I'm caught asking myself, "How much do I have left?"
by Shenole Latimer