Wednesday, December 23, 2009

You Don't Know Unless You...

...ask. Be inquisitive. Always be curious to find out the how and why. These are things that were instilled upon me when I was in school to be a scientist (marine biologist). That is, of course, until I decided late in my sophomore year of college to study music instead.

Now, I find myself falling back to that analytical mode of thought in regards to figuring out what my next move should be with my music career. Up until now, I have done well for myself in regards to figuring out my goals and then moving towards them. Every 2 or 3 years I have come up with new goals and game plans, while also evaluating my current status at the time and then what tactics had worked or failed up until that point.

So far, I have accomplished every goal I had set for myself in previous planning sessions, except for performing at the Inter Media Arts Center (IMAC) in Huntington, New York. That goal will never happen now with both the closing of the IMAC and the death of Michael Rothbard, the patron of the arts that ran the concert hall. But, based upon the ground work I have managed to lay down in 2009, the large number of bookings I already have for 2010, and the types of contacts I've been recently having access to, I feel as though I'm in a very delicate point where my decisions will weigh much more heavily on the future than they ever have up until now.

There was a blog I posted back in October that I think was the genesis of my thinking at this very moment. The thoughts I had in that blog dealt with whether or not I had been looking enough into the careers of past and current jazz musicians, as well as my own, to see if there is anything I'm doing wrong or could do better to try and boast myself up to the next tier in the jazz scene and the music scene in general. My answer has come back to me that I am in deed doing something wrong. I'm not seeking enough advice from my peers or from certain contacts I have access to within the industry. These are the folks who can help me figure out what I need to do to get to where I want to be, based on where my career stands now.

I will not mention names, but there have been other artists that I've performed with that were, or currently are, in a similar "critical phase" of their career where making certain decisions could mean elevating their careers or just maintaining the status-quo. I can remember thinking to myself that they needed to seek some advice, or at least listen to the advice that they were given by their peers and qualified people who understood where their careers were at. Now, I'm thinking that I should heed those thoughts I had.

One of the important things that we (those artists and myself) all have in common is that we are all used to having to do absolutely everything ourselves and find it difficult to give up control or even delegate tasks to others. The thing I DO NOT want to have in common is career stagnation. This isn't necessarily a knock against those artists or where they are in their careers now or then. I'm simply stating that they all could probably have advanced much faster and further if they had seeked advice rather than try to figure it all out themselves.

So, in sum, I believe that one of the major mistakes I'm making is not seeking enough help or advice. I work so hard at what I do that sometimes it becomes very easy to make incorrect judgements or come up with the wrong game plan because of a distorted view of a situation. Forget not seeing the forest for the trees. If you have your nose buried too close to the ground, you won't even see the trees for the grass.

As for what my next move should be, I guess I won't know for sure until I ask some trusted and knowledgeable contacts that I have for their advice and thoughts.

Friday, December 4, 2009

New Limited Edition CD

You may remember that, a couple of months ago, I mentioned that I had recorded some tracks with blues/jazz artist Gail Storm. Well, we are finally releasing those tracks in the form of a limited edition CD!

Gail and I originally were recording the songs so that we could construct a demo that could be used to get us more duet gigs. However, things were sounding so good that we decided to move beyond just having it as a demo.

Because this isn't an "official" album release, we thought we'd make it special by not only making a limited quantity available, but by also autographing and hand packaging the CDs. I designed the cover artwork and both Gail and I put our autographs on the actual CD itself.

"Duets" features Gail and I performing selections by Nora Jones, Duke Ellington, George Gershwin, and other well loved performers and composers. If you'd like to obtain a copy or listen to samples of the tracks, just visit the following link:

Gail Storm & Shenole Latimer Limited Edition CD - "Duets"

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fan Feedback Paving the Way!

Those close to me know that I'm always tinkering with stuff and trying to come up with new things to do. Lately, I've been trying to come up with some new things for all of the wonderful people who take the time to read my blog rantings, come to my performances, and purchase my know...I'm talking about you fan folks out there!

As usual, I have been paying close attention to the feedback I get from my email newsletters, comments made to me in person, so on and so forth. And let me tell you, there have been some really good ideas thrown at me. In fact, I liked them so much that I'm actually going to incorporate ALL of them!

Here are just three of the suggestions and things you can expect to see implemented within the first few weeks of 2010:

  • Create a Tool Bar - I'm currently testing out my very own tool bar that my fans can download and attach to their web browser. The "Shenole Latimer Tool Bar" will have feeds for my news updates, performance calendar/alerts, google powered search engine, and some other goodies. The information is brought to the tool bar in real time. So, as soon as I post a performance or a news item, you will receive the information on the tool bar, without cluttering up your email inbox.

  • Provide RSS Feeds - Both the tool bar and RSS feed ideas were ones suggested to me as an alternative option for fans who may want to keep up with what I'm doing, but not be on my email list because they already receive so much email from other sources. Or, because they don't always have time to visit my website, blog, facebook, myspace, etc.

    An RSS feed, for those who don't know, is just a way to subscribe to and receive content that you like to read, without needing to spend the time visiting those particular websites that they come from. Instead, the RSS feed (stands for Real Simple Syndication) sends you any new postings.

  • Interactive Map on My Website - This is a fun one! Someone had commented to me that they thought it would be cool if I had a map showing where all of my appearances are so that fans can get a sense of all the different places I travel to.

    So, I have set about marking off all of my 2010 performances and appearances on a dedicated google map that will be posting on the events page of my website in the beginning of January, 2010. The map will be interactive in that you can zoom in and out on any location, click on a marker to find out a little bit about that particular appearance, and even get directions directly to any location that you select.

    I think I will have it on satellite view so that you can have fun seeing what each location actually looks like.

In addition to implementing these ideas and suggestions, I would also like to perform a number of tweaks on my website. Mostly, these tweaks have to do with the inconsistency with how my website appears on different web browsers. In other words, people who use AOL see it differently than the people who use Internet Explorer older than 7.0, who in turn see it differently than the people who use Firefox, and so on.

Things are simply not as easy when it comes to website design as they were even just 2 or 3 years ago. With the introduction of all the new web browser releases designed to take advantage of the potential of Web 2.0, it's becoming much more difficult (or at least I'm finding it that way) to come up with "universally accepted" website designs.

Well, time to bring this blog post to a close. Thanks for all of your feedback and suggestions. Keep them coming!