Man, I have been busy beyond believe of late! It's getting increasingly difficult to actually function because of how dense my schedule has become and how much I'm trying to juggle.
I have to admit that I'm feeling both mentally and physically drained. Much of my hustle has been in trying to get more gigs to compensate for the loss of my wife's job. But I've also been busy with trying to help my wife start her own business, which is causing me to take away from running my own. And then there's my website - I've been trying to get the redesign done since this past November, but I just can't get any time to myself.
And of course, in the backdrop of all of this are my attempts to get a more regular practice routine in and my campaign to loose some weight.
I don't think I'd mind being this busy if I had more money coming in to show for it, but that isn't the case.
Probably what I need at this point is a vacation so I can come up for some air!!!!
All in all, I think things will start to calm down some once I finish my website's redesign and my wife becomes more autonomous with her business. Since she is new to being self employed, she doesn't yet know how to market herself, etc.
Despite the fact that I have to spend a lot of time helping her out with her business that I should be spending on my own business, I'm glad that she is doing this. I have told her for years that the great thing about being self employed is that you can't fire yourself and you don't have to worry about coming in from your lunch break and suddenly being handed a pink slip because the company is "down-sizing" to save money!
In any case, I think I need to sit down and figure out a more rigid daily schedule so I can attempt to be more efficient (if that is even possible) and get more done with less.