Thursday, March 5, 2009

A New Personal Goal

Right now, I'm sitting in my studio in between students and I just happened to look at myself in the mirror...holy cow...I have gained quite a bit of weight!

All the late night meals after gigs, general crappy eating and no exercise is definitely taking a toll on me. Gone are the days of my 6'3" 205lbs athletic frame from college, that's for sure.

It's looking to me like I'm going to have to add a little something to my list of to do and find some time to get a good exercise routine into my schedule. And, I'm going to have change the way I eat. I have really been eating like crap for about the last 10 months or so.

Realistically, I don't think my metabolism or my genetics will allow me to return to my college weight of 205lbs, but I do think that I can reach and look good at 215lbs - 220lbs. And even that will take a lot of work...probably a good full year's worth of hard work and sacrifice.

Well, no time like the present..right after I finish this Ginger Ale!

Just Kiddin'!